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Visual Arts

Middle School Art

A period of insecurity for some students, much effort is taken to make art an enjoyable and successful endeavor. Emphasis is placed on working hard and enjoying the process as well as the reward of a completed project. Art history and art appreciation are woven into the curriculum.

Projects and media includes: marker and pencil self -portraits, collage, kaleidoscope designs, linoleum printing, pen and ink techniques, drawing and painting techniques, mask making, metal repousse, watercolor, color theory, clay and sculpture, art history and art appreciation.


High School Art

Art is more than an elective. It is essential to learning. It cultivates self-expression, imagination and creativity, as well as critical thinking and problem solving skills. Students who learn about art develop their capacities to weigh meanings and make evaluations. Understanding and making art can help teach students how to work cooperatively in a group and how to work hard to achieve a goal.

God is the Great Artist—He designed this world and all that is in it with harmony, balance and variety. We are made in His image, therefore each of has in some way the ability to create and express ourselves artistically. This is the message I strive to communicate to all my students at FCA. Everyone can be successful in art!

Divided into 5 areas:

Art I: Usually 9th graders, Art I is a prerequisite for all other high school art classes with the exception of Studio Art. Strong emphasis on drawing and exploring various drawing media. Students will learn drawing and shading techniques and composition, as well as become proficient in handling materials.

Art II: A detailed study of some of the important art periods and artists from those periods. Students will use various media to demonstrate their knowledge of these periods and artists. Some of the periods include: impressionism, expressionism, surrealism, realism, pop art and cubism.

Art III: Designed especially for the student who is interested in pursuing art as a career. Students create self -portraits throughout the year, utilizing various media and styles.

Advanced Art: Designed for students who have taken Art I, II and III. Students work independently on a series of projects of their choice, utilizing the art room to its fullest. Emphasis is placed on originality.

Studio Art: A class designed to accommodate any high school student, regardless of grade or previous art experience. This is a relaxing yet challenging class. Projects are based on the student's ability and we explore many types of media.