Elementary School
Welcome to the Faith Christian Academy (FCA) elementary, also known as the Eden campus. We call it Eden because it is the location of “new beginnings” for our elementary. We moved into the campus at the start of the 2020 school year, and the Lord has continually led us on the path of “new beginnings” in our school, and in the lives of our staff, students and families. I’m reminded of the words of God’s promise found in Philippians 1:6, “and I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”
It is my privilege to serve the Lord at Faith Christian Academy as elementary principal. I was blessed to have grown up in a Christian family and attended Christian school myself. As a result, I accepted Christ as my Savior as a young boy and can testify to the value of Christian education. I am a graduate of Cairn University, and have had the opportunity to follow the desire the Lord placed in my heart to teach in Christian school since my graduation. After many years in the classroom, the Lord opened the door for me to step into the role of elementary principal. I am constantly in awe of how He unfolds His plan and changes our hearts. My goal is to provide the students at the elementary campus with a learning experience and environment that is centered on Christ and His Word and to point everyone that comes through the doors of the FCA elementary into a growing relationship with the Lord.
Dan Mattern
Elementary Principal