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We are so excited that you are interested in volunteering! Volunteers are a vital part of our FCA family and we appreciate you!

FCA utilizes VOLUNTEER TRACKER for volunteer applications, volunteer background clearance management and registration for volunteer opportunities.

Please follow these steps to sign up:

  1. Go to the Volunteer Tracker Registration Page
  2. Register and complete the application
  3. Select what types of volunteering opportunities fit you best!
  4. Follow directions to get clearances, then upload them to Volunteer Tracker
  5. Your application will be reviewed, and you will be contacted if further information is needed
  6. Once approved, watch your inbox for invitations to opportunitites that match your interests

Below is a quick reference guide for volunteer clearances, BUT Volunteer Tracker also provides instructions for obtaining clearances. If you are interested in volunteering at Faith Christian Academy, the following information will be required prior to further consideration: